Methods of investigation are needed to obtain data and they are very important parts in all scientific research. These methods contain research design, object of the study, procedure of collecting data and procedure of analyzing data.

3.1 Research Design

Because the data were in form of the words, I used qualitative analysis. Miles and Huberman (1994) defined qualitative research as analysis which involved of the data such as words (e.g. from document), pictures (e.g. from video).

In addition Creswell (1994:145) claimed that qualitative research is descriptive in that the researcher is interested in process, meaning, and understanding gained through word or picture. Meanwhile, Moleong (2004:157) states that the types of data in qualitative research include words and action, written data, photos, and statistics. Qualitative analysis is generally process of selecting, categorizing, comparing, synthesizing and interpreting the provided explanation of the single phenomenon of interest.

3.2 Object of the Study

The object of the study I used was manual book of Smart ZTE C261. I would like to analyze the types of modulation happened in it. It was the product of electronic. It was one of mobile phones that were a very familiar thing around us. Moreover, everybody has it. It was a global product which everyone uses. Consequently, they have to understand the written message or instruction available in manual book before using it.

3.3 Procedure of Collecting the Data

According to Arikunto (1998:138) there are four instruments which confirm with the type of method in collecting the data: (1) test for test method, (2) questionnaire for questionnaire method, (3) check-list for observation method, (4) document or check-list for document method.

The data were a document of one of the most familiar technology products. We could obtain it from the electronic store. To acquire the data, I analyzed modulation occurred in the document and rewrite by using “back translation method”. Modulation might happen in the form of words, phrases and sentences. Based on the types of the instrument, I used "document" to know to what extend modulation occur in the manual book of Smart ZTE C261.

3.4 Procedures of Analyzing the Data

In this study I chose descriptive analysis. The aim was to describe kinds of modulation occurred in the sheet of manual book of Smart ZTE C261. To be able to analyze and classify the data I used some steps:

(1) Scanning

Scanning meant that it involves moving your eyes quickly down the page seeking specific words and phrase ( accesed on November 2009 at 14:30. While Djiwandono (2002:79) stated that scanning adalah memperlambat tempo membaca untuk menelaah setiap informasisecara lebih cermat sampai menemukan informasi yang ingin anda cari tadi.

From the two definitions above scanning was done by reading detail to look up the words, phrases, which we needed.

(2) Identifying

I was looking up the potential problem happened in the sheet of Smart. Before classified into kinds of modulation, the manual book had to be identified first by matching every word, phrase, and sentence from source language (SL) to the target language (TL).

(3) Classifying

In this step after being classified, the identified sentences were classified based on four kinds of modulation: they were generalization, specification, reversal and deviation by doing table














The table was used to show the modulation variation. First column in the left side is for numbers, for the sentence column I used it for putting English and Indonesian translation. Next column is kinds of modulation divided into four columns: ‘1’ was for generalization, ‘2’ was for specification, ‘3’ was for reversal and‘4’ was for deviation. In those columns I would like to put letter ‘V’ in one of the numeral columns which were suitable with modulation happened in that column. And the last column was comments which gave comments to the sentences that were categorized in those kinds of translation.

(4) Evaluating

It was the last step to do. It was done by using back translation test which consist of (1) re-identifying the non equivalent words SL in the TL (2) examing the causal factors of non equivalent words (3) checking the existence of any modulation

4 komentar:

erieqcious said...

nk menehi artikel mbok y bahasa indonesia..
rata2 cah sos-ant english'e kurang..

dilebokke pesan FB sisan,ngebak2i tok..

Muhammad Ghufroni said...

Dukungan untuk ilman. nggak masalah kang narji. artikel di internet tinggal siapa yang suka dan tertarik pasti akan berusaha buat ngerti apa maksud artikel itu. maksud saya, bukan soal yang prinsip mengenai bahasa. kalau mau, tinggal buka google translate juga beres. sekalian untuk latihan ngerti english. sekalian dijadikan sarana belajar english malah dapat 2 ilmu sekalian. ilmu sosant dan ilmu english. nggak ada masalah. untuk masalah dimasukan di masukkan ke pesan FB tinggal di hapus saja kang narji kalau keberatan. beres. dan nggak ada yang dirugikan. hehehe.

Dr. Achmad Hidir said...

salut atas blog nya cukup menarik isinya


mas erik: njeh ms, dingapuro.....mengko tak kirimi link lag yah...:P

ms.GPg: matur nuwun mas, heheh latian nulis nih...
monggo kritik lan saran....

pak hidir: terimakasih pak, nanti saya butuh banyak belajar dari referensi2 dari bapak, blognya mantap banget...:-)

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